Advanced Java Tutorial: A Complete Guide for Java
Advanced Java Tutorial: A Complete Guide for Java
In this article we are going to discuss the Advanced Java and some of the fundamental topics related to the Advanced Java that may include:

· Brief Introduction to the Advanced Java.
· Definition of JDBC.
· Introduction about the Java Servlets and its lifecycle.
· Introduction about JSP.
Brief Intro to the Advanced Java:
The dictionary meaning of advanced is development or improvement in the older version to make it better than the previous one by adding new features in it.
The Java programming language is usually divided into two categories that are: Core Java and Advanced Java.
The Core Java usually covers the fundamental parts of the Java programming language which include data types, functions, operators, loops, exception handling, etc.), and it is used for the development of general–purpose application, and the Advanced Java covers the concept of database connectivity, networking. Advanced Java is usually defined and designed to develop the web-based, network-centric and many more etc.
The basic difference between the Advanced Java and the Core Java are as follows:
1) Advanced Java is considered to be the important part of the Java programming language which usually used for the development of the online applications which generally includes: Mobile Applications as well as the website. Whereas, the Core Java is usually used for the creation and development of the general-purpose application.
2) Advanced Java most probably use two tier-architecture i.e. client-side architecture and the server side architecture which is also termed as the backend architecture. But in the Core Java uses only one tier-architecture due to which it is also termed as ‘stand-alone’ applications.
Definition of JDBC:
JDBC is acronym as Java Database Connectivity is a Java API for the connection between the Java programming language and the huge range of the database. It is used to access the data which are stored in the Relational Database.
It usually involves the process of opening a connection, creation of the SQL Database, execution of the SQL queries and then in final reaching to the particular or the desired output which the user is looking for.
Generally, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API is used for accessing the tabular data stored in a particular relational database. The main advantage of using the JDBC API is that it usually update, delete, save and fetch the data from the desired database. It is quite simple as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) which is provided by the Microsoft.
Introduction about the Java Servlets and its lifecycle:
Servlet is the platform-independent method used to create an application based on the web. Servlet has access to the entire family of the Java API. The key feature of the Java Servlet is that it mainly responds to a few types of requests and is commonly used for extending the applications hosted by the different web servers. With the help of Java servlet, applications can be created quickly, simply, and easily.
Life Cycle of the Java Servlets:
Now talking about the various stages included in the Java Servlet Life cycle as mentioned below.
1) Loading a Servlet.
2) Initializing the Servlet.
3) Handling the request occurred.
4) Destroying the servlet.
Let us look each of the stages in bit details.
1) Loading a Servlet: The very first stage of the Java Servlet is loading a Servlet this can be achieved by the help of the Servlet container. This container is usually used for the purpose of loading the Java Servlet in two ways:
· Firstly by we can initialize the context by making the configuration of the loaded Servlet either by zero or a positive integer value.
· Secondly, in this condition is there that if the Servlet is not moving to the very next stage, then it hold or cause delaying in the process of loading it until and unless the Servlet container determines that the particular Servlet is required to service a particular request.
2) Initializing a Servlet: The very next step used in the lifecycle is none other than initializing of a particular servlet as it depends upon the successful instantiated of the Servlet, and the instantiated Servlet object was usually initializes by the particular container.
3) Handling the Request occurred: After the initialization of the Servlet, the Servlet instance is made ready to serve the particular client request.
4) Destroying the Servlet: Destroying the Servlet is usually considered as the most important stage in the lifecycle of the Servlet.
The operation which was required by the Servlet container when it decided to destroy the Servlet which are as follows:
· It usually allows all the threads which are currently running on the service method of the Servlet instance to complete their job and get released as soon as possible.
· When the particular ongoing job was executed by the thread, then soon after that destroy () method was invoked by the Servlet container on the particular Servlet instance.
What is JSP?
JSP is acronym as the Java Server Pages is generally called as the technology which usually used to create the web applications similar to the Servlet technology. Java Server Pages (JSP) is a broad extension of the Servlet as it provides more complex functionality than as provided in the Servlet such as for the expression language.
It is mainly consist of the HTML tags and the JSP tags. Another most important advantage of using the Java Server Pages is that it is easier to maintain as compared to the Servlets because of the reason that we can separate the designing as well as the development. It also provides some of the additional features such as Expression Language, custom tags and many more etc.